Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Super Bowl Sunday

Super Bowl Sunday was both a really good day, and a not so good day. I had a bunch of friends over, we drank some beers, they had some shots, I didn't really have any shots since I was still hungover from saturday, and we watched the game. The super bowl has become such an event now that I don't know why we are required to go to work the next day. Nine out of ten people are tired or hungover; everyone looks like crap, their eyes are bloodshot, you have to explain everything at least three times before anyone understands, and you know everyone is just counting the minutes before the end of the day. Every hour you see a bunch of people stand up, stretch, look around, and either go to the bathroom or get something to drink. And everyone is thinking the same thing: when is the first person going to leave so I don't look bad for leaving early?
I am starting a movement or a petition or whatever next January, to get every place of business to either close on that Monday, or have a late start. I think I could have made it by noon and gotten something done don't you?
I also have an issue with Colorado liquor stores still being closed on Sunday. Is this still a holy day for anyone, or the just the day when you either deal with your hangover, or lower your standards and drink 3.2 beer. We really need to come out of the 19th century. If Sunday is a day of rest, shouldn't you be able to drink something that really helps you relax? Nothing would help me relax more than a cold beer, or a beam and coke. Well, in terms of drinks anyway.
And speaking of relaxing, I need one of those foot massagers under my desk. I think I would concentrate way better and be even more productive at work. Or at least I should be able to walk around barefoot. That would be terrific.
I also promise my blogs will be much more entertaining when I carry and pen and pad around. I get the greatest ideas randomly throughout the day, some so good I just stop and laugh for a few minutes, but by the time I get home I have no idea what I wanted to say. I'll work on that I promise.
Lastly, would anyone else like to be the news anchor that goes on at noon? awesome job, good hours, good pay, and no one even knows if you suck. sweet deal.

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