Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm not perfect

I know, I know, the title of this post must come as quite shock to some of you, but I'm really not perfect despite my constant and outrageous claims. And for those of you that know me really well and are convinced I am, I offer to you a few mistakes I've made recently. They don't happen very often, so when they do they tend to stick in my mind for a little while.
In no particular order:

1) I let my girlfriend drive take my car home to her got towed
2) I "ran the register" lungs are still burning but my legs are fine. I can't figure this one out
3) I borrowed my girlfriend's flip-flops and they fit...I'm not sure which part of that is worse
4) I considered waxing my chest hair...I know, it's manly, I'll keep it
5) I tarnished my reputation and admitted I've made mistakes

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